Copyright 2004
Alex LeDoux

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  • 1970 TOY FAIR







2-20-1938 (PISCES)  
Forecast of Alexander LeDoux 

Career & Business

Pisces: Pisces is the last leg of the business journey. You stand in old age and look toward the possibilities of spiritual fulfillment and the generations to follow you. You are the sign of two fish who simultaneously swim upstream and downstream. The downstream fish retreats from the real world of enterprise into the fantasy world of dreams and what "could be". And, the upstream fish brings those visions to the fore of real life. Neptune, planet of the underworld of illusion, constantly stirs in you creative visions to superimpose over an otherwise dreary outward existence. You stand at the end of the business cycle, with possibilities of creative rebirth on the horizon, and your challenge is to propel your visionary insights over the threshold of fantasy and into reality. Pisces transcends he strictly financial focus of business through artistic expression.

Pisces: Overview

The achievements of Piscean, Albert Einstein, well illustrate the genius of which you fish are capable when you decide to stop drifting downstream and turn your visionary wizardry toward real world goals. As the last sign of the zodiac, you possess an understanding of all human experience as well as a unique compassion that develops out of such knowledge. This profound wisdom is a pretty intense responsibility, and many of you attempt to retreat into the world of illusion and fantasy. Your predecessor, Aquarius, utilizes intellect to progress the human experience to higher planes, which, in business terms, usually means inroads in technology and computer industries. Pisces then, through art and the fantasy of entertainment businesses, fosters the emotional understanding that brings us to the final goal of spiritual fulfillment.

Having felt all of the pains of the world, many of you Pisces prefer dreams to reality, and you get hopelessly lost in your imaginations. But those of you fish who choose to swim upstream take your bubbling creativity and adroitly apply it to practical endeavors. When you Pisces overcome your own sensitivity and reach out to serve the public through creative enterprise, you provide (for ultimately huge profits) revolutionary goods and services that truly help the world and yourself cope with life's ultimate harshness.

Pisces rarely works for others, and you embark into all sorts of risky creative endeavors with a faith in some higher order or, at least, a dream of one. The fish rarely worry much about money or practical pressures, and you face your greatest competition within your own hyper-sensitive psyche. Your ruler is Neptune, god of the sea and fantasy, and you possess a power of illusion mysterious as the oceans yet comforting as its breeze across a sweltering shore. Whether through movies, advertisements or pharmaceuticals, Pisces uses creative insight to create an existence that feels less frightening. You view the whole world as a stage, and you go through life styling the scenes as you sense they show greatest appeal. Because you forever want to put things in a more attractive light than reality offers, you sometimes get duped by schemers. But, overall, you fish wrap up the financial horoscope with an integrated understanding of human needs that translates into brilliant business instinct and cosmically charged creativity.

Pisces: Work Style

As mentioned earlier, your ruler, Neptune, induces in you a slight state of confusion, and Piscean people seem to bring a little bit of chaos wherever you go. Many just consider it an endearing artistic undercurrent, but, when business gets out of control, your lack of organization becomes painfully disconcerting. The fish are simply too swayed by emotional sensitivities to tend to the mundane matters of business management, and you are so comfortable about following the hand of fate that you leave a lot of tomorrow's responsibilities to utter chance.

The fish typically "go with the flow" in work efforts, and, rather than commit yourself to set duties and deadlines, you let your dreams and feelings guide your productivity. While other signs stress about sticking to a set plan, the fish exhibit a casual indifference to the demands placed upon you. Your powerful imagination is as puzzling as the cosmos, and attempts to confine it seem self-defeating and senseless. After all, you figure, your experience is directed by some inexplicable forces that control the mysterious master performance. And the coming storms are part of the story line. So Pisces faces upheavals with a calm composure, and, when adversity applies too much pressure, the fish flutter away to idealic dream pools of your own perception.

The fish, by nature, fail to fight fiercely in the face of competition, and you rarely get roused by the aggressors that threaten your path. Rather than playing by the rules of the material world, you Pisceans choose to strive for higher goals. Your style is a comforting break from the hard-driving business battlefield, but, even you occasionally need to war against the tides of secular existence. The downstream path of personal peace provides little ultimate pleasure for Pisces. Only when you struggle upstream for some sound social good do you fish ever reach career contentment.

The free-form Piscean work style fosters great creative insight, but your success in business, and life, requires also an adherence to realistic aims. Although you prefer to work alone, the wise of you surround yourselves with support structures to keep your focus toward practical pursuits. When you are contentedly contributing creative flair to useful projects, you surprise everyone with your focus and dedication to detail. And you work well in areas that require abstract thinking. But, when work turns to the more mechanical duties of basic business management and operation, Pisces usually needs some channeling force to keep you chugging along a productive path. Although you do not respond to direct pressures on your artistic energies, well-chosen carrots of creative outlet lead you fish steadily toward success. Of course, you often will need to find a good earth sign (Capricorn, Taurus, Virgo) to keep digging up those carrots!

Pisces: Work Environment

You fish are such sensitive creatures that you absorb the vibrations of all the people and activity around you. Consequently, you require work environments that are relatively free of frazzled nerves and negativity. Although you endorse atmospheres of unstructured productivity and creative freedom, your internal systems crash as the air fills with agitation. While some signs, like Gemini, enjoy the fray of any unfettered emotion, and others, like Aries, feed off the tension of others' fear and competition, Pisces must pull out of such mayhem. The fish takes on the colors of the surroundings, and neither gloomy shades of depression nor clashing hues of hysteria well suit you.

Despite the seeming order and calm of many corporate arenas, most fish steer clear of such stodgy settings. The structure and routine of traditional firms prove far too confining for the freedom-loving fish, and you prefer to stir your own waters of creative enterprise. You Pisceans need to channel creative energies into your work, and businesses that deal in the arts or abstract theory are most appealing to you. Although exceptions exist, corporate life usually does not foster full development of the personal creativity or attention to individuals' sensitivities that are the essence of Piscean existence. And you fish begin to take on dull, gray tones of mediocrity as sterile corporate life steadily stifles your vivid imagination and sullies your overall professional outlook. Pisces does not care much for power, prestige or piles of money, so the psychic price you pay in traditional "establishment" jobs far outweighs any benefits you might receive.

The fish prefers small, creative company settings where work methods are flexible and people show up because they enjoy their work. Of course, that sounds pretty idealistic to lots of people, but Pisces really cannot settle for less. You cannot stand to be confined in one place for very long, and you will quit any position that imposes set hours and performance schedules on you. You do not need others to set work guidelines for you, and you seek little direction as you go about your work. Although you enjoy interacting with others, you sometimes need to stake out some privacy to still your emotions. When you retreat, you do not expect to get a lot of questions, and persistent attempts to pry into your personal life could drive you away permanently.

Physically and psychically, Pisceans need bright, sunny surroundings. Rich green colors and lots of plants, alone, work wonders on Piscean performance. And the addition of some beautiful artwork, fresh flowers and soft music really make your spirits soar. Finally, to inspire the full creative genius within every fish, surround yourself with positive, pleasant, productive people. That sounds obvious, but think about all the companies full of crusty, hyper-competitive, number-crunching types, who show up simply for the love of cash.

Pisces: As Manager

Most often, you fish are unmoved by the power of high company rank, and you rather pity those who must bear the burdens of such responsibility. Pisces does not like to stay in one place for very long, and you cringe at the cramp a 9-to-5 position puts in your imaginative processes. You much prefer to move around freely, as mankind's artists, painting pretty pictures over all of life's pains. So, when you find yourself in leadership roles, it is usually by mere chance.

The sensitive fish generally pursue goals of a higher order than the accumulation of power and personal wealth, and you rarely will be seen competing up the corporate ladder. You Pisceans are so acutely aware of the human condition that you are happiest in roles where you use your heightened sensitivity to comfort others through life's complications. In an ideal world, managers might delve deeply into peoples' psyches and offer artistic insights to more enjoyable living. But, in traditional corporate life, managers serve to impose order and efficiency and (hopefully) some occasional inspiration. These functions drive business success and achieve lots of good for society, but they rarely satisfy Pisces' creative yearnings.

Rather than balancing spending budgets and organizing operational systems to achieve higher output, Pisces' mind wanders toward the abstract aspects of business. You dazzle all with exceptional advertising ideas and innovative strategic planning. And, combining an intuitive understanding of your students and a deep grasp of even the most complex subjects, you are highly skilled at training employees. But your capacity for business mechanics leaves a lot to be desired. You Pisces realize that others do not work as free-form as you do, but you cannot seem to come up with solutions to the chaos around you. So, in managerial roles, you generally muddle through and try to find a few Capricorns or Taureans to control the practical, and particularly financial, concerns of your business.

You rare Piscean managers usually get assigned to your high seats honor of your exceptional creative contributions to enterprise. And, where you remain in such positions, you can usually attribute your success to the team you build around yourself. Although Pisces alone does not make a masterful manager, you are savvy enough to acknowledge your weaknesses and surround yourself with superstar people. You have negligible desire to assert control over others, you dislike set work routines, and you enjoy adding a rosy tint to facts and figures of life as well as business. Although you seem ill-prepared for the responsibility of corporate captain, your imaginative genius flourishes in the steady hands of practically-minded support people.

Pisces: As Employee

The most original ideas will pop out of the gentle Piscean employee, as long as the sensitive fish is afforded an attractive environment and duties extending beyond the merely perfunctory. You fish constantly face the choice to swim upstream or downstream, and your surroundings will regularly push you in and out of the company door. Pisces requires constant creative opportunities, and you will perform, as the "up-fish", with focus and efficiency in such activities that exercise your artistic flair. But, when work drifts toward the dreary and routine, Pisces becomes the lazy "down-fish" with the depressed, disinterested attitude and the soon-to-follow resignation. And you fish do not stick around to discuss chances for improvement, either.

The Piscean generally does not speak directly of personal desires, and you retain a sense of secrecy about your career goals. Part of your guardedness stems from your own innate confusion about your motives. Neptune, master of mystery, constantly casts doubt on your decisions, and you rarely know which of your choices you truly own. So Pisces moves along quietly and without aggression, providing creative input, wherever possible, but never revealing true motives.

Your employers need not fear that you Pisceans will squeeze them out of their positions some day. The burdens of management and company responsibility totally turn you fish off. You watch your superiors get more and more bogged down by the duties of leadership, and you thank the stars for your freedom of movement. Pisces swims forever forward, searching for opportunities to innovatively apply your artistic sensitivities. And, you move swiftly past those waters that look mired with mundane matter The fish needs to change scenery too often to get caught up in the confines of company hierarchy.

When the fish find a colorful cove with creative potential, you contribute wonderful assets to the environment. You still tend to daydream a bit, and you hide in a corner for weeks when employers yell too loudly at your sensitive soul. Your work methods are often quite eclectic, and your bookkeeping skills probably make your boss balk. But, you exhibit such a willingness to help others, and you seem so lacking in selfish motives, that you truly are a hidden treasure. No one listens better or so well understands an employer's needs. And few provide such exceptional enhancements to the company's creative vision. In return, the fish demands little maintenance. Pisces does not expect extravagant raises or big bonuses, and you rarely complain about pay. You occasionally might need a cash advance, but employers learn to accommodate you sensitive sages!

Pisces: Sales/Fundraising

With all your powers of creative illusion, you Pisceans are star-studded salespeople. The fish can reprocess anything into a more attractive form. And, with your heightened awareness about human sensitivities, you know just what will seduce your potential customers. Pisces puts a fine coat of artistic glean over the most drab displays, and you tap into your audience' needs so powerfully that they feel grateful to you for addressing them. Rather than the hard-sell of Gemini or Aries, Pisces offers a peep at a world that is much sexier than reality. You sell them life through the artist's eye, and depending on your audience, your style can range from the slightly pornographic to the pristine.

The Piscean's first instinct is to connect with and comfort peoples' emotions, and, in selling, you sense peoples' desires and try to satisfy them. You fish are innately gentle and kind, and you exude a genuine compassion for your customers' needs. Whereas other signs, like Leo, attempt to dominate over prospects, your laid-back style draws them in to you. Pisces seems to possess the prophecies and outlook that everyone seeks. Perhaps you simply understand that people desperately desire a little formality and fineness sprinkled over their otherwise dreary lives. You give us glimpses of your insights through your creative sales campaigns and project presentations, and no one can escape the lure of the illusions you put forth. Particularly in your fundraising initiatives for noble causes and charities, Pisces inspires others to transcend mundane existence and buy into higher goals.

Whether you are selling wonder bras or worldly missions, however, Pisces hits the promotional pavement as though you are beginning your own crusade. Your ruler, Neptune offers up top-shelf fantasy so potent it enables you Pisceans to create mass hysteria behind your objectives. You thoroughly thrill in traveling, with no set schedule or routine, from one human theater to the next. Pisces acts as a complete conformist with one client and turns into a compassionate liberal with another. And, your role change is convincing because, as the last sign of the zodiac, you have already played all parts on the world's stage. So you interpret for the planet, to standing ovations, and, the magic behind your wares, and you sell out the house wherever you go.

As corny as it may sound, most Pisceans are not motivated by the money in sales and fundraising. You really enjoy the opportunity to exercise your creativity in a practical way as you travel the globe, spreading hope. Because of the genuine emotion in your endorsements, people connect with you and sense that you are not just after their money. Naturally, then.....they give it to you! (You really do know how to play the world like one big puppet show!)

Pisces: Best Suited

Because of your constant need for change and creative expression in your work, the fish more commonly swim toward service businesses than product industries.

As mentioned throughout this chapter, your ruler, Neptune, planet of fantasy and illusion, prepares you for life as the world's painters. Pisces exhibits a deep intuition and sensitivity that translates itself through the arts. Whether you perform, produce or direct the creativity, you fish bring pure genius to the fields of acting, art, music, writing and photography.

Pisces deeply understands the bareness of ordinary life, and you set out to give the globe a much more glamorous packaging. With your eye for illusion, you flood the advertising industry with a storm of brilliant ideas. And Pisceans find Hollywood, and the entertainment industry in general, a real pleasure palace. Through movies, music, plays, television and radio you create living that is larger than life. The fish piles heaps of hype onto ordinary existence and delivers beauty, creative insight and lofty ideals from which, hopefully, someone finds some inner peace. The fish is the quintessential visionary, and, with the entertainment industry's playthings, you compose sensational scenarios to exercise your artful eye, and, in the process, comfort people with some insight.

Pisces people seem to serve a higher order than the other signs, and your first instinct always is to help people. Consequently, the fish often pursue professions in the hospital industry, nursing, pharmaceuticals, social work and charities. The compassion of the fish runs deep, and you achieve your greatest sense of accomplishment through serving the physically, psychologically and spiritually needy.

You fish generally shy away from traditional financial careers and banking. Pisces is usually an abstract thinker, and the confines of mechanical number crunching and asset management mean little more to you than a huge headache. Because of your right-brain intuition and vision, however, you do demonstrate a knack for financial and strategic planning. Unfortunately, the walls of corporate towers feel like a fish tank to the ocean-bound Pisces. So you typically employ your skills of financial foresight in your own creative businesses.

Pisces: Professions

Artist/Musician/Writer/Actor/Photographer; Entertainment-Producer/Director; TV; Advertising; Sales/PR; Health Care; Hotel Manager; Charity; Radio; Teacher

Pisces Business Aspects

Pisces: Entrepreneur

Pisces is the sign of superior intuitive insight and creative vision, and, clearly, such gifts provide great groundwork for entrepreneurial excellence. No other sign imagines the innovative idea so vividly, and few understand human needs better than the fish. And your artistic talents shine so sharply through your marketing and promotional efforts that your business begins to fly before you even lay its foundations. You truly personify entrepreneurship, as long as you do not neglect real dollars in pursuit of never-ending dreams.

You fish typically set out on your own with your creative visions, and you offer, in your business endeavors, to reprocess life experience and distribute it in more appealing packaging. But, your success as entrepreneurs depends on your ability to resist your strong inclination to retreat from reality. Although Pisces people possess all the insight and independence of effective entrepreneurship, you tend to wander off into self delusion when the waters get choppy. The fish boldly initiates creative venture with little hesitation about risk or financial insecurity. But, when adversity rears its head in your windows, you tend to pull the shades and make believe the demons do not exist. Entrepreneurship requires a more confrontational style than the fish customarily chooses. However, the potential to swim upstream lurks within every Pisces, and those of you who meet your challenges head-on spectacularly realize some of humanity's highest aspirations.

The fish learns early in life that "going with the flow" is much more comfortable than fighting the currents. And your ruler, Neptune, god of illusion, tempts you with the "easy road". So you instinctively jump on any wave that captures your interest, and you ride it with all the excitement and showmanship of a pro. You attract all sorts of attention with your enthusiasm and style and, especially, with your makings of a real pro. But you fish tend to put great faith in fate, which often works against you.

Just when as competition heats up, you progressively lose yourself in dream world. Although your comfort in life's natural processes instills in you the daring to act on some of your creative wishes, you often fail to struggle sufficiently for business survival. Furthermore, you neglect to organize effectively and to nail down the material aspects of your initiatives. Pisces gets so wrapped up in the experience of the dream that you often fail to translate your vision into practical terms. Your biggest undoing is your ability to tune out and ignore the mundane responsibilities of cash flow and competition, and you tend to sidestep when straightforward action is critical. The fish generally scatter from too much responsibility, and you let promising enterprise drift out to sea.

Fortunately, you fish are shrewd thinkers, under all the emotion. And, early on, you employ business partners to structure the management and money part of your enterprise. Or, you simply keep business small and streamlined by working as an independent agent. Many of you Pisceans become micro-entrepreneurs as solo writers, producers, curators and other professions where your own creative expression is the product of the business. Should you get so huge that offices, staff and serious expansion are needed, you fish then count your blessings and hire people to put the business structure in place.

Pisces: Risk Profile

Risk rarely intrudes on the Piscean vision, and you jump into speculative ventures with little deliberation about any negative consequences. The fish understands so deeply the human experience, that you learn to play all of life as a game. And you are more concentrated on providing insight to emotional peace than on proving money-making prowess to your pals. And with Neptune, master of fantasy, guiding you, you tend to overlook real-world concerns and to concentrate more on the illusion you desire to portray in any particular venture.

The fish do not seem to pursue risk for the mere adrenaline rush of such volatile waters. But you do not shrink from it, either. Pisces simply plays the games in which you can express your creativity in some practical way. When, and if, the activity becomes distasteful, you fish quickly will pull out and accept the sudden change in stride. Pisces works to avoid human suffering, oppression and unfulfilled desires, but you view monetary loss as a mere buy-product of living. You sooner save your senses than your cents, that is, and little amazes more than the Piscean indifference to life events that scare the sunlight out of other signs.

Of course, you fish are so mysterious about your true motivations that few could ever hope to figure out whether or not you secretly revel in the high-risk of fast trading and fly-by-night enterprise. You seem to possess sharp instincts about speculative venture, as you take rash runs at the diciest of the lot. And you seem to thrill thoroughly in the white water of fast market trading, jumping playfully in and out of the waves of moving prices.

However, you fish do have an unusual self-destructive streak which you must monitor at all times. You Pisceans sometimes turn all of your compassion inward and take on a role of martyrdom. As you then sabotage everything good in your life to live up to your new persona, you sometimes throw yourself into highly risky investment schemes just to compound your misery. Pisceans tend to do things in excess, and, when you are feeling badly blue, you best advise your broker not to buy in to your financial suicides.

Continued: See SYNOPSIS